Electric Current


2023-01-20 Dino's Cell Phone Repair

Electric Current

Electricity is the flow of electrons in an electric circuit. It's measured in units called amperes. A single unit of current flows in a wire or path for only a very short distance. Click for more info

It can be generated in many ways. For example, it can come from a light bulb, a battery, a motor, a generator, or an electronic device such as a computer. However, not all devices that produce electricity are good sources of power. Only some types of equipment are suitable for converting energy into electricity.

For instance, if you use a conventional incandescent lightbulb, you will generate less than 1 watt per hour (mph). In contrast, most household appliances and electronics require more than 10 WpH.

So, before using any kind of appliance, you need to find out how much power it requires. Most people have no idea what a kilowatt is, but they do know the term Wattage.

Electric Current

In order to understand how to generate power, you need to understand the basic components that create it. When you do so, you can understand how to get a better understanding of how electricity works.

The first component is electrons. These are negatively charged particles that move around an atom. They flow through wires when energy is applied. The second type of component is ions. Ions are positively charged molecules.

Ionization occurs when an electron moves from the negative side of the molecule to the positive side. It causes the molecule to release its electrons. This is why we refer to the process of ionization as “charging.”

The third and final part of the electrical circuit is the resistors. Resistors act like a filter, allowing only specific types of energy to pass through them. For example, if you put together all three components in this way, you will get a battery. A battery has two electrodes: one positive, the other negative. Both are connected to a resistor that filters out any unwanted currents.

A capacitor is an electronic device with a very high capacity for storing electric charge. Capacitors are used in various devices such as radios and computers. When the switch on a radio or computer turns on, current flows through it. But when the switch is off, there must be some path to allow the electricity to flow back into the power source. To do this, capacitors store charges for short periods.

Resistors, however, are designed to block the flow of electricity; they prevent current from flowing unless the switch is turned on. Capacitors work the opposite way – they let a lot of electricity go until the switch is turned on.

A capacitor stores a small amount of electrical charge. Current passes freely through the resistor, but not so with the capacitor.

A typical example of using a capacitor is to create a signal delay in electronics. An audio amplifier needs to have enough time to amplify an incoming sound before sending it to the speaker. This is called “setting up” the circuitry. It takes about half a millisecond (ms) for this to happen. But the microphone may take milliseconds to record your voice. So the amplifier uses a series of capacitors to make the waiting period longer than what the microphone can handle.

Talking points are information that is used to support an argument or position in a debate or discussion. You may use talking points when you have prepared your arguments well enough that you don't need to cover everything during a speech or presentation. Using talking points lets you focus more time and energy on making sure that you get all the important issues across clearly and effectively. They are often short phrases, sentences, or paragraphs that help you deliver a message with clarity and force.

You may be surprised to know the fact that electricity is not something new. The first time when someone came across this concept was in 1831, so it has been more than 150 years. And now, how much do you think about electric current? Do you really know what it means?

Electricity is the flow of electrons in an electrical circuit. They move through a wire or metal and are transformed into energy. But, there are many misconceptions about electricity and a lot of people have some questions like “How does electricity work?”

Well, I am going to tell you everything you need to know. If you want to have a clear understanding of it, then read further.

What is the meaning of voltage?

Voltage is the pressure or force of an electric charge on a conductor. This term is used for measuring the potential difference between two points. A higher voltage implies more power and more resistance while a lower one indicates less power and more conductivity.

How does it work?

Electrons are charged particles that carry positive charges and they can pass freely through any material. When we talk about the movement of these electrons, then it’s called current. Current refers to the number of electrons flowing per unit of time. The speed of the electron depends upon the temperature, but if the temperature remains constant then the current will remain unchanged.

If you think that all of us know the basics of electricity and don’t need to explain anything, then it is wrong. There are a lot of things that you have to learn from the very beginning. So, let me teach you the basic terms of electricity.

V = Voltage

I = Current

U = Unit


The amount of heat transferred by a conductor to the surrounding is known as resistance. Resistance is measured in ohms (Ω) and it is directly proportional to the electric current. The greater the value, the more heating occurs. For example, a 0.1-ohm resistor transfers 1/100 of the power compared to an 8-ohm resistor.


In order to get the flow rate of electrons, the value of the voltage is divided by the value of resistance. This concept is expressed in Ampere. In this case, the term Amper represents a measure of the number of charges passing through any conductor per second. A single ampere equals the charge passing through one coulomb every second.


When we talk about power, it means the amount of energy used or generated during any process. Power is equal to the product of voltage and current. The unit for power is Watts.


In conclusion, A direct current (DC) has the same polarity on both sides. An alternating current (AC) changes its direction every half cycle. AC currents have a sinusoidal waveform, meaning that each side goes back and forth at a steady rate. This means that the voltage and frequency stay constant. Alternating-voltage (A/V) power comes in many different forms, including 60 Hz from U.S. electric utilities, 50 Hz from European utilities, and 400 Hz used by some high-speed trains. The actual frequencies are dependent upon where they come from.


The amount of electricity that flows through an electrical circuit is measured in amperes (A). Current is defined as the rate of flow of electrons per unit of time. When we talk about voltage and resistance, we're talking about how fast those charges move, not the total number. Electrical engineers typically use volts and ohms to measure these quantities, but they work just fine with amps too! Power is the product of current times voltage. It's important to note that power doesn't tell us anything about the energy stored or lost by our circuits. We need to know both current and voltage in order to make any real progress in understanding what's happening.


If the electrons travel faster than the light speed they can create problems for the system. Because the velocity of the electron is much higher than the speed of the photon, it would take longer to send the signal, which means a slower response time and less information transmission capacity. In addition, a high-speed electronic circuit could cause interference in other systems.

What are the advantages?

It is possible to make sure that the electron is traveling at the same speed as the photon (the speed limit).

How is it done?

The idea behind this method is to use the vacuum, the empty space between particles and molecules. This vacuum has no matter in it.


1. The United States uses 110 volts AC (110V). This is the standard voltage that can be found in North America.

2. Europe uses 220-240 V AC/AC or 240-250 V DC. This is a more powerful type of power supply.

3. Japan uses 100-120 V, 50 Hz.

4. Australia uses 230 V, 60Hz.

5. India uses 120 V, single phase.

6. China uses 220 V, in three phases.

7. Africa uses either 220 V, three-phase, or 110 V, two-phase.

8. Latin American countries use 220 V, three phases.

9. South Asia uses 220 V, four phases.

10. Southeast Asian countries use 220 V, three phases.

11. Other parts of the world use 200 V, five phases.

12. Some places use 400 V, three phases.

13. Many places use 500 V, single phase.

14. People in some other regions use 3 kV, three phases.

15. There are many different types of electrical current.

16. Most of the world’s electricity comes from coal.

17. Most of the world’s electricity comes from natural gas.

18. Electricity can also come from nuclear reactors or wind turbines.

19. Nuclear energy accounts for about 15% of worldwide electricity production.

20. Wind and solar account for approximately 12%.

21. Hydroelectricity and biomass account for over 4%.

22. Biomass includes everything that can be converted into fuel, including manure, grasses, wood, and so on.

23. Geothermal energy accounts for around 2%, while hydropower makes up 1.5%.

24. Oil is still a major source of energy. It accounted for about 30% of world electricity production in 2017.

25. Gasoline accounted for nearly 6%.


1. How much electricity does it take to power a light bulb? Light bulbs use less than one watt of electricity. There is also an alternative called CFLs (compact fluorescent lights). They are a lot better for the environment because they last longer and do not contain mercury.

2. How long can I run a TV without turning off the electric plug? You should turn off your television when you leave your house and when you're done watching it. TVs that are plugged into outlets all day will eventually overheat and cause damage to the outlet. If you have a cordless phone, you can leave it running if you need to make calls while you're out.

3. Can I eat fried food and drink soda? Yes, as long as you follow certain guidelines, then you should be fine. It's important that you do not overload your body with fats, carbohydrates, and sugar, which is why most fast-food restaurants put salt and fat in their foods.

4. What if I forget to unplug my refrigerator or microwave? You might get shocked, but there are precautions you can take. The safest thing to do is unplug appliances before going to bed at night. If you find that you forgot to do this, try putting tape across the outlet so no one else will accidentally touch it. Another option is to cover the switch with plastic wrap or a rubber band.

5. What happens when someone touches a power source like a wall socket? When people touch a power source like a wall socket, they receive an electrical shock. This type of shock can cause burns and even death. You must always use caution around these kinds of sources.

6. Why do I need to know what a neutral wire is? Neutral wires are used in circuits for wiring your house. These wires carry a low amount of electricity from appliance to appliance. An example would be when you plug a lamp into a light switch.